A downloadable tool

How To Use

  1. you install lemon installer through the lemon installer
  2. download DelonLoader from releases
  3. extract it and drag and drop in the etc folder in melonloader (/../com.companyname.gamename/files/melonloader/etc)
  4. if there's plugins and mods delete them
  5. mods will be put in Pods and Glugins is the plugins folder (the reason why they're called that cuz some anti cheats are kind of stupid so the check for plugins and mods)
  6. profit

if you have any problems please tell me especially if it's anti-cheat related

Lemon Loader Trello Board

Lemon Loader Credits

  • SirCoolness
    • Made the original version of Lemon which gave me a major starting place.
    • Wrote the Android additions to the Bootstrap.
    • Spent a lot of time helping me being stupid when compiling stuff and answering various questions :P
    • Hosts all of the Unity dependencies the installer uses
  • SamboyCoding - Helped me with various things
  • RinLovesYou - Helped me with Dobby when I attempted to get that working
  • Someone Somewhere - Helped me with various C++ things
  • Ben ๐Ÿพ#3621 - Told be about a patching lib that I didn't end up using, but had documentation that helped me fix Dobby

Lemon Loader Testers

  • Ben_S
  • Lucy-Cola
  • extraes
  • adamdev



MelonLoader is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full License.

Third-party Libraries used as Source Code and/or bundled in Binary Form:

External Libraries and Tools that are downloaded and used at Runtime:

See MelonLoader Wiki for the full Credits.

MelonLoader is not sponsored by, affiliated with or endorsed by Unity Technologies or its affiliates.
"Unity" is a trademark or a registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere.



DelonLoader.Patch.zip 1 MB
DelonLoader.LM.-dl_a1.1newcuzgitisbad.zip 49 MB


by CEVR ยท 1 post
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